Double-skin façade exhaustive simulation throughout combined thermal and daylight modelling. Application to optimal control

To optimize the comfort (visual and thermal) and energy savings, the topics related to solar protection are getting more and more important. Indeed it is necessary to use the maximum of the sun in winter (avoiding the glare) and to minimize transmitted radiation during the hot season in order to avoid the space overheating. The double-skin facades (DSF) satisfy these two goals. An exhaustive modelling of DSF has been realised. The studied DSF are equipped with Venetian blinds and provided with mechanical ventilation. The impact of this façade on the indoor environment in terms of visual and thermal ambiance is analysed. Our global simulation model is represented by a set of sub models, each characterising thermal behaviour of the DSF, natural and artificial lighting. All these simulation models are coupled with an office zone and then implemented in SIMBAD (HVAC Simulator for Building and Devices). Detailed descriptions of these implemented models as well the validation procedures are presented in the paper.

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