Joana Carla Soares Gonçalves is an academic and environmental consultant with over 25 years of experience, engagged with the applicability of technical knowledge in creative architectural design solutions. She graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, did her master’s degree at the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA), in the Environment and Energy Programme, and has a PhD from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAUUSP), where she was an Associate Professor (1998 – 2019) and Head of the Technology Department (2015-2019).
Currently, she is a Course Tutor at the Sustainable Environmental Design Graduate Programme – (SED) and at the Environmental Technical Studies Department in the AA, London. She also teaches at the Bartlett and is a Visiting Lecturer at Central Saint Martins.
She is the author of a number of technical publications, including the book The Environmental Performance of Tall Buildings (Earthscan, 2010).